Apr 2, 2018

Pilonidal cysts not only occur on the buttocks

The pilonidal cyst usually occurs in the region of the coccyx, but occasionally also in other regions of the body: in the belly button, the armpit, on the penis, between the fingers (in hairdressers) and toes, in the area of the chest and also behind the ears.

Barber´s disease

In hairdressers, the pilonidal cyst between the fingers is recognised as an occupational disease. This disease, also known as "interfinger hair pocket disease", hairdresser's disease or interdigital sinus pilonidalis (interdigital = between the fingers) is very rare.

The reason for this is the penetration of cut foreign hair into the finger gaps with the formation of granulomas, cysts and fistula ducts. The most frequently affected is the space between the 3rd and 4th fingers of a hand, but other spaces and both hands can also be affected at the same time. A similar occupational disease is known in sheep shears due to the penetration of wool and in milking cow hair.

Only the complete surgical removal of granuloma and fistula system can be considered as a treatment measure. The most important preventive measures are regular checks of the spaces between the fingers and the removal of any foreign hair that may be present.

Literature sources:

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